Switching SIPs Annually? Here’s why you might be losing out
Opting to switch equity mutual fund schemes solely based on recent top performers may not be a prudent strategy, especially for investors utilizing systematic investment plans (SIPs). According to a study by Whiteoak Capital Mutual Fund, such sporadic switching across products often results in underperformance.
Analyzing mutual fund returns spanning the past 19 years, the study found that investors who initiated an SIP in a mid-cap or small-cap index fund in April 2005 and maintained their investment in the same category consistently earned higher returns compared to those who frequently switched SIPs annually based on the previous year’s best-performing category.
The cost of chasing returns
If an investor had initiated a systematic investment plan (SIP) in a mid-cap fund in April 2005 and subsequently switched to the top-performing fund of the previous year at the onset of each financial year until April 2024, they would have garnered an annualized return of 15.5% over the period. In contrast, an investor who maintained their investment in the mid-cap index fund throughout the entire duration would have realized a higher annual return of 18.1%.
Likewise, an investor commencing with a small-cap fund and switching annually would have achieved an annual return of 15.1%. Conversely, adhering to the small-cap index fund without switching would have resulted in a slightly higher annual return of 16%.